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Evan Czyzowski

Evan Czyzowski is a NH native and a first-generation American of Polish and French-Canadian decent. He teaches English, drama, and philosophy at Sanborn Regional High School in Kingston, NH. He graduated from UNH with a BA in English, minors in philosophy and history, and an MA in literature.
Evan lived and taught in Kraków, Poland from 2006-2007, and from 2009-2011 he was Co-Director of the Polish-English Summer Program in Krotoszyn, Poland. He has taught in China with the Sino-American Bridge for English and Health (SABEH) each summer since 2012 and is currently their Director of Education.
Since 2007 he has led student trips Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Spain, England, Ireland, and China.
A lover of food, words, music, and art, he is always ready for travel.