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Highlights of Toledo

Highlights | Spain | Toledo | Cathedral de Toledo

Cathedral de Toledo

This grand cathedral rises above all other buildings in Toledo with the exception of the nearby Alcazar. The Cathedral de Toledo is an impressive example of Gothic architecture, and is home to many treasures. You may have heard of El Greco, the famous painter, sculptor, and architect who made Toledo his home and painted many of his best works here. He created a unique painting style with bold colors and themes of mystical spirituality. The Sacristy inside is actually a small art gallery and houses some of his artwork as well as that of Goya and Van Dyck. However, there are also things to see on the outside! Here are three doorways with very interesting names: The Door of Forgiveness, with a portrayal of the Last Supper, the Door of Judgment, with a portrayal of the Judgment Day, and the Door of Hell, which, contrary to what you might think, is decorated with flowers and plants. The main door is usually closed, and only opens for ceremonies and processions.

Inside the Cathedral there are many pieces of treasure, but the most extravagant one is the Custodia de Arte, made in the early 1500’s. It is incredibly heavy because it is made of 40 lbs of pure gold and 403 lbs of pure silver! There is even a legend that it was made out of the first gold from America. The alter is also one of the Cathedral’s treasures, with images of Jesus’ life in the Gothic art style.